Jan DeLipsey


“I love the land – I love it all- the seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night, the depths of the seas, peaks of the mountains, the forests and especially the high deserts and heavens. 

That love brought me to northern New Mexico where sun, sand and stone live gracefully under an endless western sky.   The light here has a life of its own.  And, for those unfamiliar with our landscape … she only reveals her true beauty to those who take the time to sit and see. 

The Pueblo people of New Mexico believe that the earth encompasses the spirits of all who have set foot upon it and that past lives in the soil.  I wonder if this is what drives my desire to savor the natural world and its creatures up Abiquiu way.

For me, its all connected.  By that I mean the beginnings of my life, my life now and the land here.  My younger life, in a different world,  was horseback exploration, collecting feathers, rocks and wood.  My life now is horseback exploration, collecting feathers, cherishing the rocks and wood and paying homage to this glorious land with paint and palette.

I want my love of the land to live in my paintings.  I have been told that my landscape work is elegantly honest.  I so want that to be true as it is how I feel when I paint this landscape.  Simply put, I want my  paintings to bring the viewer a feeling of reverence of the land through light and color.”

Jan is a painter of oils.  Her regional work of the West has been shown from California to New York and in between.  She has been a featured artist in fine art collector national magazines in addition to winning numerous national awards for her landscape work.  Jan participates regularly in several national prestigious artist organizations.  She is an out of State member of the California Art Club, a member of the  International Guild of Realism, a Signature Member of National Oil and Acrylics Painting Society and Signature Emeritus member of Women Artists of the West.

Jan, her spouse, dog and horse family live up Abiquiu way with views that stretch as far as the eye can see.  Having worked as a licensed psychologist in litigation science for the pat 40 years, Jan can now most often be found with paint and easel in the high desert or on horseback exploring the valley of the light rock collecting feathers but leaving the rocks and wood in their natural place.