sandra stevens

Commission pieces available.
Sandra Stevens, a native Texan born in 1952, has always been connected to ranch life and livestock, having been raised on a Texas cattle ranch. Since childhood, she has always had a strong artistic inclination, drawing and painting cattle and horses. As a child, in addition to being influenced by an aunt who was artist, Sandra’s parents rewarded her with private art lessons.
After finishing Blinn College in Brenham, Texas, Sandra’s artistic ventures were in the arena of fineart photography. Her photographic images have been featured in numerous exhibitions as well as newspapers, calendars, CD covers, and magazines, as well as in the collection of Houston’s Museum of Fine Art.
However, in recent years Sandra returned to painting on canvas, and now works full-time painting for both the galleries that represent her and private commissions. Of course, it came as no surprise that her subjects of choice would be cattle and rural scenes. “Simply put, I paint what I love”, she has said. Although occasionally painting from life, she mostly uses her own photographs for reference. Other than a few professional workshops, her art education comes from observation and practice. Her medium of choice is oil over an acrylic underpainting.
Sandra’s paintings have been selected to exhibit in several prestigious national western art shows and have also graced the cover of Gulf Coast Cattleman magazine. Her work hangs in private homes and offices of collectors all over the United States, and a piece commissioned by the University of Texas was recently included in their Longhorn Art Series. Her paintings are available in several established fineart galleries in Texas and New Mexico.